Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween Fun

I love Halloween. It marks the beginning of the holiday season for me. And it's awesome to be home in Idaho to celebrate this year. There's a slight bite in the air. The leaves are falling out of the trees. My parents have two huge maple trees in their front yard and the kids are having so much fun jumping in the huge piles of leaves.
Since school was closed on Halloween, the school had their parties and parade on Thursday. I worked in Zach's classroom for his party and it was so much fun.
I was in charge of the pumpkin bowling. The kids had so much fun rolling the pumpkin down the "alley" to knock over the Lil Jugs

The parade started in the kindergarten and as the kids went through each of the classrooms, the next class would add on to the end of the parade. Every time Zach went past a group of parents or teachers, he would put up his hands to show off his skeleton fingers. He made me smile.

The only picture I got of Tristan in his costume was in the parade. He was way too cool and too busy to pose for any other pictures.

Zachary was an adorable little skeleton. He had so much fun at the trunk or treat. He loved going from trunk to trunk. It was fun to watch him.

Samantha was a Gothic sorceress. She was very pretty. I don't think we'll get many more pictures of her either. Why do the kids have to grow up so fast?
The trunk or treat was very popular. It was unlike any other we have done. It wasn't as organized as others we've been to, and nobody decorated their trunks, but the kids had a blast. One of the trunks was full to overflowing with stuffed animals! I think they must have owned one of those crane games that you see in the doorways of shopping centers. It was the most popular trunk there.
Afterward, we went out to Ty's parents to show off their costumes. All in all, it was a great night.


Anonymous said...

You've been tagged! Check out my blog! : )

Rebecca said...

I'm so jealous! Our schools here and in NC won't let the kids dress up and won't do the costume parade! Its so sad. I remember doing that when I was a kid.