Saturday, November 22, 2008

Twilight Frenzy

Well, last night was the long-awaited Twilight date. We figured that since we already had tickets, we didn't need to go and stand in line for an hour. We got to the theater 30 minutes early. Hey, with all the commercials that precede the movie these days, plus, it was showing on 10 screens, that should be plenty of time, right? Wrong. We ended up sitting far closer to the front than I would have preferred. You know how they have the first four or five rows waaay up front and then there's a walkway and then the stadium seating begins? Our theater has a row of seats at the back of the walkway and that's where we were. On the plus side, there was a wall to our back and not some inconsiderate butthead kicking our seats!

As I said before, I was a little nervous that the movie would be disappointing after reading the books and being so excited about the movie for so long. I was not disappointed. I think the setting was amazing. My SIL has been to Forks, so I will have to ask her how accurate it was. I disagreed with a few of the choices of actors. While he had his moments, Edward was all wrong. Not nearly hot enough. Same for Rosalie, although Ty really liked her in her baseball pants. lol Bella, Charlie, Jacob, Billy, Mike, Carlisle, Alice, Emmit, and Jasper were perfect, IMHO. I also thought that Edward's skin in the sun was all wrong, although I have NO idea how they could make it look the way it did in my imagination! I LOVED the baseball game and the ballet studio fight. I really enjoyed the inside jokes that were rampant throughout the script. I think that made it real fun for those of us who read the books. I also thought it was fun to see Stephanie Meyer make a cameo appearance, she's so cute. All in all, I really enjoyed the movie. And I hope they make a cubic boatload of money off of this one so the next (Please let them make the rest of the books into movies) will be even better. Better special effects and all that.

I asked Ty if he liked it as we were leaving the theater. He commented, "I can see why there are so many groups of girls here. But there was just enough hunting and fighting to make it good for guys, too." I guess that's a good review. What do you think?

Now I think I want to read the books again. Just as soon as we get all our stuff out of storage. *sigh*

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

I completely agree with you! That's what I thought about the movie. I wish they'd picked someone else for Edward. I didn't like it. He was cute in Harry Potter, so maybe it was just the "pale" thing. I did like Charlie a lot. Not at first, but I like that they gave him more character in the movie.