Eleven years ago, my baby girl was born. She was 6 weeks early, so she was very tiny, only 5 pounds, 6 ounces. She was so weak that she couldn't suck, so she quickly lost weight until she was a mere 4 pounds 15 ounces. But still, she was huge compared to the other babies in the NICU. That's why the nurses all called her, "The Queen of the NICU." We named her "Samantha Elizabeth Jones" and the joke was that her name was bigger than she was! Samantha was breathing on her own, but needed an oxygen tent for the first couple days and then a cannula for days after that. (I have a picture to show this, but like I said, the scanner is ganked up.) Even connected to a million tubes and wires, she was a beautiful baby. Everybody told me how beautiful she was. Of course, I hadn't seen or held her yet. She couldn't come out of the NICU and nobody thought to take me to her. Finally, when she was over 24 hours old, a nurse found me sobbing in my room and asked what was wrong. I blubbered that I hadn't even held my baby yet and she immediately got me scrubbed and gowned so I could meet my Samantha. When the nurse placed my sweet baby in my arms, it was like an electric shot went through me. There was an instant connection. She turned her head, opened her eyes, and I swear she knew exactly who I was. I couldn't get enough!The next days were bittersweet, as I could spend my days with my new angel, but then I had to leave her there when I went home. I had a great ward family, though, and they stepped in to help. Two young women would come over and play with Tristan (who was only 2 1/2) so I could go spend time with my baby. Other sisters brought in meals since I was always at the hospital until dinner time. My mom would bring Tristan in for short visits. He loved his baby sister, but want' impressed with all the scrubbing that had to go on before he could see her. He wasn't too sure about the cap and gown either. But he loved to hold her and give her kisses. I will always remember the first time he saw her. She was still in the little warmer bed, so she had no clothes on, just a diaper. I said, "There's your baby sister. Isn't she pretty?" He looked at her in awe and solemnly nodded. Then he pointed at her umbilical stump, crinkled his nose, and said, "Ew, gwoss!" I laughed out loud and promised that it wouldn't be there forever.We were warned that Samantha would probably have to stay in the hospital until her due date, but she was strong enough to go home after only 9 days. It was scary to bring her home. So many rules. I had to set the alarm so I could wake her every 2 hours to eat because she was still too little to wake herself. I kept a bottle of Germ-X antibac sanitizer right by the door and everybody who came through the door was required to use it. But it was so worth it to have her home with us.
Happy Birthday Baby!!!
What a sweet tribute. She sounds like such a special girl!
So neat! What a sweet, special girl! :-)
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